My crazy weekend...
So I'm a bit in la-la land at the moment. Lots of pain and lots of drugs for that pain. Friday night I was reading to Emma on the couch, somehow she managed to flop/jump onto my left side. It took my breath away and I was sore after that. Well the pain got worse. Intense pain in my side and back - I couldn't move well or do much besides lay on the couch. By Sunday I was dizzy and nauseous as well, so my doctor told me to go to the ER. So we braved the snow and I got to spend the afternoon at the hospital getting tests run, getting a CAT Scan, and getting dosed with morphine. Apparently to find out that I have some sort of internal trauma (duh). As far as they could tell (the metal rod in my back obscured the CAT scan a bit), there is no internal bleeding. So at this point it's a waiting game. I'll either start feeling better soon or will develop serious symptoms. Fun times. So I'm back on the couch full of painkillers. Never really thought having a toddler would be like a contact sport, but crazy things do happen. Just thought I'd take the opportunity to complain to the world.
Labels: Personal
Hi Julie,
Thanks for commenting over at my site Faithfully Liberal. I appreciate it a lot. Please feel free to join in the community of dialouge at the site.
Your health will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you get feeling better.